And not just to get away from
Borepatch. All of you who commented, I have tried to reply as best I can at the new url. Also, I apologize to my two followers, one of which is Borepatch. And to put that number in perspective, I am pretty sure I have at least as many followers as there are supporters of the Obama administration's economic policies. Anyway, I am new to the blogging thing, but I found a name I liked better-"northern blogger"-and a new url that fit it far better:
More impressively, I managed to export the whole blog over to the new site. Since there are only two of you, I wish to make it up to you. So the next time you are in Boston, dinner is on me! Ha. Let's see Matt Drudge offer to take all of his followers out to dinner.
P.S. Borepatch, the offer doesn't count for you since I figure you owe me innumerable dinners, and drinks, and apologies...
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